20% of Royal Bib Sales to go to Children's Wish + NEW Bib Designs Launched Early!

It has been a whirlwind week for us at Mally Designs Head Quarters and we're preparing for a busy month ahead. Our Royal Bib designs have been chosen and sent off. Here's a photo of Nicole (me) and Ron with our chosen Royal Bib designs:

Mally Designs Headquarters + Royal Bibs

These 4 special bibs are now available for purchase here and as mentioned 20% of the sales of these very special bibs will be dontated to Children's Wish to help grant wishes for children with a life threatening illness! 

NEW Horse Bib by Mally Bibs Mally DesignsHelicopter Leather Bib by Mally Bibs Mally DesignsMaple Leaf Leather Bib by Mally Bibs Mally DesignsRCMP Mountie Serge Bib by Mally Bibs Mally Designs

How did we choose the designs?! Simple, we really wanted to treat this like any other gift, thinking about what they would like and since the Royal Family and both Will and Kate have a love of horses and William is a Polo player, we decided our brand new personalized Horse Bib would be perfect. Our Son (Kyler, age 11) suggested the Helicopter Bib since William is a rescue Helicopter Pilot, and lastly we decided to send a custom double sided Maple Leaf / RCMP Mountie Serge Bib as some of our facebook followers suggested, since our products are proudly Canadian made.

We even made the same page of the Province Newspaper as the Royal Family of 3!

Mally Bibs and Royals Featured on the Same Page of the Province Newspaper

Granting wishes for children with life threatening illnesses is pretty special, and knowingChildren's Wish you were involved in helping make that happen is a really good feeling, and one that you could be reminded of every time you see that special bib on your child or hanging up between meals. Imagine just for a second that your child was one that had a life threatening illness and you wanted nothing more than for his or her wish to come true.

This is all such a great honour for us, but perhaps an even greater honour, is that Diamond, the little girl who got to meet Kate as her wish, will be hand writing a letter to Princess Kate, which will accompany our bibs to the Royal Family.

We will post any updates on this amazing and honourable experience on our facebook page. We realize it's an incredible long shot to ever get a photo of Prince George wearing one of our bibs, but it is possible. Anything is posisble. Dream big, follow your heart, and live your passion. Good things will come. 

For the full story and more on our chosen bibs and the Wish Foundation, read our blog here >


From Our Blog

We're retiring from shows plus, a shipping update

The title says it all, and it's true. It's time, and it feels right. After 14 seasons, we have decided it's time to wrap up the Craft Show and Christmas Market chapter in our lives and really start to enjoy the holidays. Our kids are getting older and through the years we have loved doing these shows, but the only downside it that it has also meant being away from our kids for a few weeks and for a very fast paced December served with a side of exhaustion for us all.

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