E-Gift Card | $50 Winners Announced!


Why not send an E-gift card to surprise someone right on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?!


If you recently visited our booth at one of our retail shows, you may have signed up for our E-newsletter while entering to win a $50 E-gift card. Just in time for the holidays, we have chosen 5 lucky winners who will get to spend $50 on any products at mallybibs.com! Congratulations to our lucky winners announced for the first time here:

Karen Soby
Tracy Furst
Jeanine Bauer
Kari Kershaw
Maria Capasso

If you are one of the lucky subscribers listed above, you must reply to this email by January 5th, 2011, to verify that you received and read this email and to veryify that you are the actual winner. There is always a slight chance that someone else with the same name is also a subscriber and has won.

E-gift card winners can use their e-gift card over several smaller purchases until it is all used up, or you can put it towards a larger purchase. They never expire, so if you don't need anything right now you can save it for when you do.



From Our Blog

We're retiring from shows plus, a shipping update

The title says it all, and it's true. It's time, and it feels right. After 14 seasons, we have decided it's time to wrap up the Craft Show and Christmas Market chapter in our lives and really start to enjoy the holidays. Our kids are getting older and through the years we have loved doing these shows, but the only downside it that it has also meant being away from our kids for a few weeks and for a very fast paced December served with a side of exhaustion for us all.

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