Nautical Series Set of 3 Art Cards
We designed a collection of leather appliqué art cards as a way to utilize our remnant leather and to coordinate with our bibs for gifts. We discovered that so many of our customers were framing them, so now we offer them in coordinating sets of 3 for framing as art! Our art cards are also sold individually so you can add to the collection. We find they work best in sets of 3 horizontally or vertically, or in sets of 4 in a square or in a line, or in grouping sets of 6, 8 or 9 above a piece of furniture or on a large wall.
- Sets include art cards shown + envelopes so they can be used as greeting cards as well.
- Frames shown are NOT included but come in white or black from IKEA and are called RIBBA. They are just $9.99 and they fit perfectly.
- Each card measures 5.5 inches square