Crave promo - gift with purchase

CRAVE gift with purchase

Get your FREE 240 page CRAVE VANCOUVER Urban Gal's Manifesto today! We only have 30 copies, so only the first 30 orders over $75 to include the coupon code CRAVE will get this gift with purchase, worth $19.95! This is a great coffee table book that is sure to inspire - it's the ultimate guide to the places women CRAVE in the Vancouver area, featuring more than 100 women entrepreneurs and companies, including Mally Designs! Whether you're a woman looking for inspiaration to start your own business, curious about great finds in Vancouver, or just love to browse a beautiful book, this book is for you! It makes a great gift for yourself or someone you love. 

Also note, orders over $98 with shipping in North America are entitled to FREE shipping. :)

*if you get an 'order limit reached' message upon entering the coupon code, that means we are out of books.


From Our Blog

We're retiring from shows plus, a shipping update

The title says it all, and it's true. It's time, and it feels right. After 14 seasons, we have decided it's time to wrap up the Craft Show and Christmas Market chapter in our lives and really start to enjoy the holidays. Our kids are getting older and through the years we have loved doing these shows, but the only downside it that it has also meant being away from our kids for a few weeks and for a very fast paced December served with a side of exhaustion for us all.

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