Check out our NEW website!

After months of preparation, we are proud to show you our brand new website! We wanted to capture all the most popular reasons why Mally Bibs are awesome through a 10 part slideshow and we couldn't be happier with the results! CHECK IT OUT >




We love how sleek and modern it is! Join the convo and tell us what you think on our facebook page >

Send us your photos! Your child could be a star AND you get a $10 e-gift card for!


That's right! We're looking for photos to use in our marketing material and would love your help! We would be thrilled to receive any fan photos, but specifically we would LOVE to see some with these themes in mind:


  • Mally Bibs and Birthday cake
  • Mally Bibs around the world
  • How we store our Mally Bibs
  • Mally Art Cards framed in my child's room

    Full details on our blog post here >



    Lastly, we wanted to let you in on a few of our latest limited time / on of a kind creations on our Etsy Shop! Our latest additions include NEW Mally leather Soother Clips, iPhone cases and Mother's Day / Father's Day double sided bibs - so go check it out and you might need to order quick if you see something you love! 

    Check out Mally Designs Etsy Shop here >


    From Our Blog

    We're retiring from shows plus, a shipping update

    The title says it all, and it's true. It's time, and it feels right. After 14 seasons, we have decided it's time to wrap up the Craft Show and Christmas Market chapter in our lives and really start to enjoy the holidays. Our kids are getting older and through the years we have loved doing these shows, but the only downside it that it has also meant being away from our kids for a few weeks and for a very fast paced December served with a side of exhaustion for us all.

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    Handmade in Canada