spaghetti sauce does wipe off

Dear Mally Bibs,

We received a Mally Bibs as a present when our second child, Isabelle, was born and I am now completely sold on your product! I have to admit, at first I was a little skeptical – the bib is adorable but could it really live up to its claim of even spaghetti sauce wiping off? It wasn’t long before it was put to the test when our two year old son found the fun bib hanging on the fridge and wanted to wear it. Well, spaghetti sauce does wipe off without a problem and so does everything else that lands on the bib. Now that Isabelle has started eating, I have to say it is much easier to clean the bib off than everything that gets on her! I love your bibs and have already recommended them to all my other Mom friends. Thank you!!

they survive his messes


I hope you like these pictures - we LOVE them! Our son is Brayden and he is currently 6 and a half months. We're just starting food and as you can tell he loves eating with your bibs and I love them because they survive his messes ;) which means I can relax and enjoy the moment with him!

Thank you!

beautiful memories of your baby

Hello Mally Bibs,

This is a picture of my daughter with a Mally bibs bib. My observation is that a bib should be this kind of beautiful, this way, is not only functional but you might end up with some beautiful memories of your baby, looking absolutely adorable!

Thanks for the great product!

loves his mally bib!

Benjamin loves his mally bib!

excitement begins...

as soon as we reach for the Mally Bib hanging on the fridge Matthew knows meal time is coming and the excitement begins....

definitely worth their money

These are the best invention ever. There are alot of "kid things" out there to spend your money on, but only a few that are worth their dollar. These bibs are definitely worth their money: easy to use, convenient (with the magnets), fun for the kids (my daughter will play with them on the fridge and wear them around the house), and a life saver (I love how easy they are to clean). We have been very thankful for them (those messy meals aren't a threat anymore:)). THANKS!

love it!

First of all, I want to tell you that I've been using Mally Bibs for my daughter Ailey and really love it! and I've been looking at your web site and the blog and really like your style and relate to it too.
I truly think that Mally Bibs has a big potential here in Japan!

It's the best!

Ryan's 1st birthday cake in his Mally Bib. It's the best! I'll take more soon, hopefully outside! I am also going to do a blog this week about fave baby things for a site I blog for. I will include you for sure and give you a link when it's up.

I loved tossing out all my other bibs

"The best thing about my mally bib is NO MORE LAUNDRY!!! I loved tossing out all my other bibs and don't regret it for a minute!" that it hangs on our fridge

My sister got our Mally bib at the Toronto One of a Kind Art Show and sent it. I loved the bright colours immediately, but I really love that it hangs on our fridge and that I never need to hunt for it. This is a fantastic, easily cleaned bib and the only one I use. I donated the other bibs we've recieved and only buy Mally bibs for friends. :)

One of the best parts about Zadie learning to eat has been your bib!

...saves laundry after every meal

Here is a photo of my daughter Avynn wearing her favourite Mally Bib. I love my Mally Bibs that I bought for my daughter. We keep one at home and one in her diaper bag so we have one wherever we go. The convenience of being able to wipe off any meal mess is great and saves laundry after every meal. Thanks for such a great bib! We love it!

the perfect shower gift

My son Liam lives in his Mally Bib. He will finish eating but not want his bib taken off, he'll pull it up to face him so he can see the whale closer, then bites the edge of it. It is the only bib we use and it is scrubbed with a cleaning brush after each meal, but still looks great. I think it is the perfect shower gift and one of the best local products on the market. Way to go!

They turned out to be my lifesaver

I received 2 mally-bibs from a friend when my daughter was born and thought they were beautiful, stylish bibs and was excited about using them when my daughter was big enough. We began using them when our daughter was 3 months old and started drooling a lot. They turned out to be my lifesaver, as they stopped the drool from soaking through and we were able to just wipe them off when they got wet. Now that our daughter is eating solids they are the only bib we use. You can even wipe them clean with a diaper wipe when you don’t have a cloth. I don’t leave home without 1 of them and everywhere we go people comment on how beautiful the bibs are. They have been used all day, everyday for the past 4 months and still look like they did when I got them. I recommend them every time I get a chance!

Best money I've ever spent

Best money I've ever spent. I owned at least 50 bibs before buying the mally-bib. Because cleanliness is such an issue for me, I found myself washing dozens of bibs every week. The velcro would drive me crazy catching other clothing and snagging it in the wash. I LOVE that I can wash the mally-bib off right after a meal and hang it on the fridge. I KNOW it's clean AND where it is at all times. Not to mention it always looks good, no stains! Thank you for making such a wonderful quality product. of the most useful gifts we've received!

We received a mally-bib for our baby shower, and to be honest, I thought "how trendy can you get - a leather bib - get real" As the months went by the bib was a wonderful decoration in my son's bedroom. Once we started feeding him solids, I found myself washing bibs every few days. When my husband brought down the mally-bib to use, I thought, "it's too nice to use" but from the first use, I fell in love. I wipe it down after each meal and once a week give it a good cleaning with a mild detergent. It is the one of the most useful gifts we've received! We just welcomed a new nephew to our family the other day and when we were thinking of baby gifts to get him, my husband said, "what ever you get, make sure to get one of those bibs - they are the best!" Mally-bibs are now a staple for any baby gift we give from now on!

Thank you for making such a great product!!

I have really enjoyed these bibs!! I now have two of them for my 7 month old daughter. One for at home, and one for the diaper bag. I love the fact that food just wipes off. No more laundry of bibs that eventually become stained with food. The adjustable magnetic clasp is also such a great idea and can grow with my baby. mally-bibs are beautifully designed and so stylish. Thank you for making such a great product!!

... we haven’t used any other bib!

We bought two leather mally-bibs at the Toronto Baby Show in October, 2005. Since then we haven’t used any other bib! One stays in the diaper bag and one stays up on the fridge for easy access at mealtime! We just wipe it clean and hang it up! What a convenience….and they’re gorgeous too!

They are amazing!

We received your bibs in the mail this morning. They are amazing! They fit comfy & snug around Owen's neck so nothing drips down onto his clothes. He is learning how to drink from a cup and the mealtime mess always resulted in a clothes change. The adjustable magnet clasp is easy, quick and a great design. We love the bibs! – Thanks so much.

We absolutely love our bibs

Today is our babies 9 month birthday! We took a great photo of them after lunch wearing their Mally Bibs... We absolutely love our bibs, we go through so much laundry every day its great to be able to put these on and not worry about stains and spills... Just a quick wipe and their ready for the next feed!

Thanks again for helping us out with our bibs, I just came back from a sales meeting in which I showed photos of the babies with their bibs and everyone wanted to know where we got them! I told them they were must haves!!!!



Hello Mally Bibs!

I just wanted to send a little note to thank-you! I am a new mom to a 5 month old baby boy named Gavin! We recently started giving him cereal (messy job) and i quickly found that i couldn't keep up with laundering all the crusty cloth bibs that he'd go though! I heard of your product at the "one of a kind show" in toronto and thought it might solve my bib problems! Well lets just say...i tell everyone i know with a baby about your product! LOVE EM, LOVE EM, LOVE EM! They are the best invention! You can tell a mom came up with them! Gavin has the frog and whale one (one stays in his diaperbag) and i couldn't live without THANK-YOU SO MUCH! I am a nurse in an NICU...and once i go back to me...all the parents of my little preemies will know about how wonderful your product is!

Your biggest fan,

From Our Blog

We're retiring from shows plus, a shipping update

The title says it all, and it's true. It's time, and it feels right. After 14 seasons, we have decided it's time to wrap up the Craft Show and Christmas Market chapter in our lives and really start to enjoy the holidays. Our kids are getting older and through the years we have loved doing these shows, but the only downside it that it has also meant being away from our kids for a few weeks and for a very fast paced December served with a side of exhaustion for us all.

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