How large are the Toddler size bibs compared to the Baby size?

The baby size, ideal for average children ages 6 months to 36 months, measures approximately 10.75 inches or 27 cm from top to bottom, and 8.5 inches or 21.5 cm from side to side. The circumference of the neck is approximately 11 inches or 28 cm when adjusted to the largest size. The Toddler size, ideal for average children ages 1 year to 4 years old, measures approximately 12.5 inches or 31.5 cm from top to bottom and 9 inches or 23 cm from side to side. The circumference of the neck is approximately 13 inches or 33 cm when adjusted to the largest size.


How often do you design new bibs?

At Mally Designs we are constantly innovating! At this time, we add new designs annually, around mid-August. All of our new designs are based on current trends and top customer requests. If you have a design suggestion, we would love to hear! Please fill out our contact form to share your ideas with us!


From Our Blog

We're retiring from shows plus, a shipping update

The title says it all, and it's true. It's time, and it feels right. After 14 seasons, we have decided it's time to wrap up the Craft Show and Christmas Market chapter in our lives and really start to enjoy the holidays. Our kids are getting older and through the years we have loved doing these shows, but the only downside it that it has also meant being away from our kids for a few weeks and for a very fast paced December served with a side of exhaustion for us all.

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